domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Last activity semestree !! jejejeje

I do not think too simple no truth but there is one that I liked and I found it entertaining
in Unit 5 found the following activity. Act 2-QUIZ: What's your "real" gender ??

Try all ctivities but some could not understand the truth as I was told, this is the last activity of the semester before the tests I feel I could understand at least much more than initially.

I finished the course and I hope that everyone can finish in the best way posible, bye bye

Practical Content of the Semester

I think the most difficult activity it is to listen in English and then to respond. I've never been good at English and this is what I find most difficult during the six months it was well difficult cost me a lot all the truth. Now I found an application called her Doulingo and pretend to be learning and practicing, the blogs helped me to practice and be able to learn a few more words.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

My favorite books

 Hello everyone

 Today, I'm gonna talk to you about my favorite books. One of the first books I read was Ester Huneeus Salas' "Papelucho Historiador" she's also known as Marcela Paz. That was at primary school and I loved the book, which is part of a series of chapters or works, where the main character is Papelucho. The name was in reference to Marcela's husband: "Pepe Lucho". Also, I read Papelucho en la Clínica and Papelucho y mi hermana Ji from this collection.

Another book i've read during my childhood and which I liked too, was Mi planta de naranja-lima. The story is about a boy, Zeze, who was born and grown in the hard reality of the Fabelas in brazil. The author is José Mauro de Vasconcelos. There's other books, like JRR.Tolkien's The Hobbit, which is the previous story for Lord of the Rings. I won't leave behind "Cien años de soledad", a book written by the amazing Gabriel García Márquez.

I think i don't really have a favorite author, since I have read different works and of variated tópics, like novels, fiction and now at university I read really diversity of authors who are very intersting for me. I remember me at school reading a boook one a month, but now things have changed and I don't have many time, so I only read what they ask me to here.

The Blogg

Hello everyone; Well, today im going to Share with you my experience making te blogs.

Its being a new and ingenious way to learn a bit more english; its true that I haven't participated so constantly on the web Page, I think it has been of help to practice. In my case, english and everything related is really difficult to me, and this experience has been interesting and funny, because in general at english courses, we just practice oral and listening in traditional ways.

The blog, no doubt, have helped me principally to know new words and try to incorporate more vocabulary.

I keep in mind that English is a work tool that all professional have to have, and once I finish this course, I want to focus an important part of my time to learn more, and then apply for the abroad courses the university offers.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Fast Food

Hello everyone ; today I'm going to talk about a really common and transversal topic: Fast food. First of all, I have to asume the fact that I'm very good at eating, from healthy to unhealthy food all the time. At home, my family and I go to buy Completos or Pizza at least once a week in order to spend time and delicious dinners togheter. In my personal case, I like French Fries, Completos, Pizza, Churrascos, Sopaipillas, etc. I love to try and know a lot of places in order to eat fast food. I've eaten in different places; at the street and also more stablished restaurants , but one thing which I have no doubt about is that a good mayonnaise can make the difference between a good and a bad place to have meals. A good homemade mayonnaise always make the difference and turn all in delicious tastes.

It's been demonstrated that fast food in huge quantities and in an extended period of time, has really dangerous characteristics due to health. At the same time, is almost imposible to avoid this kind of food in universitary life, since it has a really cheap price and fully to our stomach.

I hope you liked the topic, bye bye!!

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

Different kind of movies which I like!!

I'll start by telling you that one of my favorite movies is Harry Potter. I remember that since I saw the first part of the movie, I loved it. I liked it even more when I chose the high school I would went to because It remembered me Hogwarts!!
My dear Boarding school Barros Arana, it truly resembled it to me so much. In home we are very good at watching movies, specially on Sundays. I watch all kinds of movies, action, comedy, drama, horror, etc .
 Some other movies that I also love and I would say I get excited for until nowadays are Life is Beautiful and The Lion King, even if the last one is for kids, I think is one of the most important productions, and that all of us had seen it at least once in lifetime. I have recently seen a romantic movie: Paper Towns and found it interesting, primarily because he did not get a happy ending as it used to be in that kind of movies, which are frecuently pointed at a young public.

bye and have a great day

My favorite photograph with my family

Hello to everyone very good morning
Today I want to talk about my favorite photograph. To be honest I'm not very good at taking photographs so I do not have many. However, there are some significant for me... as the ones I am with my family, friends in college or in my neighborhood life. The picture that I'm sharing with you is from 28th June 2011. That day was the first time took a plane and the first and only time I have left the country.

It was a trip to Mexico for a month, which in my commune I was selected to participate in an internship cultural exchange. I remember it very well because my family went to say bye; my father Luis, my mom Maria Elena, my uncle and my grandmother Elena Coky. They conform my family group; those who have accompained me throughout I've grown-up and in my development as a person.